© Bexleyheath Methodist Church, allrights reserved 2020
Action for Children
Please pass on our sincere thanks to everyone
involved in raising the recent donation of
£55.85. We were delighted to hear about your
coffee morning and we hope everyone from
the church that took part had fun in the
process of making such a wonderful and much
needed gift.
'Go not only to those who need you, but to
those who need you most' John Wesley
Action for Children's ethos is deeply rooted in
Methodist principles, and for over 145 years
we have worked together helping vulnerable
children to reach their full potential.
Thank you, it really does inspire us to hear
about your Fundraising, and to know that
working together we are still able to touch so
many lives, as we continue helping more than
390,000 children, young people, parents and
carers each year through over 650 services
across the U.K.
With kind regards, and our heartfelt gratitude
to all our friends at the Church.
Joyce Walker
Supporter Care Fundraiser
Circuit 2nd Mile Charity
The Circuit 2nd Mile Charity Appeal for the
year 2017 / 2018 will be closing on the 31st
August 2018. To date £3,181 has been raised.
You will be please to know that our Church
raised £186.52, through the Christmas Card
box, the Carol service and the collection box in
the vestibule
Our Church also arranged the Circuit World
Cup Football Competition, and this raised
The two nominated charities the circuit
supports are:
Greenwich WellCare Trust -
The Methodist Rafiki Satellite Village in Ghana -
The Circuit has been running the Charity for
quite a few years and at the Circuit meeting,
which will be held on the 19th September, a
decision will be made whether to continue this
year or skip a year.
We do thank you for all your support, and
please remember that the collection box is
always in the vestibule.
Reginald William Bartlett
(21st April 1924—30th June
Reg worshipped at our Church for
approximately 70years and throughout his life
he was deeply devoted to serving the Church
and his Lord in any way he could. Reg was
someone special, not only did he do so much
for the Church, he also had so many interests
outside of the Church family. This gave him to
great opportunity of influencing so many
people’s lives.
Reg loved to read the lessons during the
service and his expressive delivery brought to
light the message he was giving. Reg was
always theatrical and for many years played a
leading role in the Drama Group, not only in
pantomimes and plays, but also providing
drama in some of the Sunday services.
Reg had a very special relationship with all the
ministers and they would listen to all that he
had to say and were grateful for his love help
and guidance he gave them
Over the many years, Reg performed many
jobs in the Church, Circuit Steward, Church
Steward, Guild, serving communion and a
Gardener no name but a few.
Reg was a great thespian and, in the build, up
to Christmas he would read Dicken’s Christmas
Carol, dressed in full Dickensian attire to raise
money for Charity. He also appeared at the
Royal Albert Hall, reading the ‘Frog and the
Skylark’ which youngster in the Circuit were
performing at a Nation Methodist Youth Event.
In recent times when Reg was frail, he still
managed to come to Church and he was
always very grateful for the help the young
people gave him.
Everyone knows that Reg has left a small
vacuum in our Church, but we all know that he
is now with his Lord.
Church Outreach
We have all enjoyed the tea, coffee and cakes
which has kindly been served by Tina,
Christiana and Cynthia and our service would
not be the same without the fellowship
afterwards. For the last few months there has
been a tin for donations towards the Outreach
project and to date £333.14 has been raised.
A small committee has been set up to see how
we can reach out to people and a few weeks
ago we held our first small event “The Great
Methodist Bake Off”. This was a learning
experience and quite a few people came in to
see what was going on and find out more
about Mercy Ships, the charity we were raising
money for. We managed to raise £90.00. More
importantly we talked to nearly everyone who
passed the Church. We will shortly be having
another Bake Off in aid of Action for Children.
If you have any ideas, either big or small on
how what we can do to achieve our goals,
please do mention them to the members of
the committee, Christiane, Adebayo, Kate,
Christiana or George.
POEM- You are always there
for me. by Joanna Fuchs
When the world comes crashing in
And chaos rules my mind,
I turn my heart to you, Lord,
And pure, sweet peace I find.
You lift me out of trouble
You comfort me in pain;
You nourish, heal and cleanse me,
Like cool, refreshing rain.
In times of joy and bliss,
When things are going right,
You lift me even higher,
And fill me with delight.
You listen to my prayers;
You hear my every plea;
I’m safe because I know
You’re always there for me.
Prayer Group & Counselling
The Prayer Group, meets regularly on a
Saturday morning at 10am, in the Church and
everyone is welcome to
We pray for all situations in
the world, our country and
local community.
Prayers are also said for
our Church and those in
the Circuit. We do hope
that you will be able to join us. See you there.
You can also see the Minister in the Church for
counselling between 10.00am - 4.00pm.
Monday - Friday or You can email the minister
directly at
Any other enquiries should be directed to
Message from Pauline
Dear All
I would like to say a big thank you for all your
thoughts, prayers and phone call, they are
certainly the one thing that have kept me going. I
do miss terribly not coming to Church and being
among you it’s always been a huge part of my life
and Pat’s. He has certainly deteriorated in the last
few months.
It was a thrill to hear that we had won the
Football it must be the biggest win of our lives
Thank you once again for thinking of us and I
hope it won’t be too long when I am back
worshiping with you.
God Bless to you all
Love Pauline (Barker)
Formation of Choir
We have received a request to see if we can
form a Church Choir. To start the choir, we
would need a
minimum of five
people to be willing to
join. A few members
have already shown
an interest, so if you
are thinking about taking part would you
please see Christiana Odom or email us at
The choir would enhance our Church worship
and also encourage many members to take
part in the service. Please do think about this.
As I look out of the window and watch the rain
teeming down, it appears that the long hot summer
is well and truly over. Whilst many of you have been
away visiting their families or taking a few days off,
others have still had to work.
In recent times when the children have been
on school holiday, the weather has not been
very good, but this year it has been different - very hot,
perhaps too hot.
Many of our older members have been struggling
with the heat and this has meant that have not been
able to come to church as regularly as they would
have liked.
Now with the weather on the turn, we look forward
to seeing them all soon.
We recently held the funeral of Reg Bartlett and it was
wonderful to see so many people there remembering
the many different things that Reg did
during his lifetime.
Our thought and prayers go out to John,
Ann, Debbie and their families.
It was lovely surprise to see Ailsa Melton down
at the Church a few Sunday’s ago.
She has great difficulty in getting about.
We pray for Jennifer Hutching who has been
undergoing cancer treatment at Queen Marys
in Sidcup and for Duncan & Pat. We
remember Pat & Pauline Barker,
Freda Greenwood & David Ford-Divers.
Roger Forward recently got a Civic Award for
Recognition for Voluntary Services to
Adults, which was presented by the Mayor of Bexley.
Rev George Quarm’s son married on 25th August.
We wish him and his wife every
happiness in the future.
Birthday: 19th September
Brian Marks
(Unfortunately, the list of birthdays has
been deleted from my computer, so please
do let us know when your birthdays are)
Over the last couple of years, our
fellowship has been greatly enhanced by
the regular serving or tea and coffee after
the morning service.
We are truly grateful
for everything
Christiana and Tina
for all their dedication
and hard work, they
have put in to make the fellowship so
Over the last few months we have had a
donations tin, where any money donated
will go towards the cost of the Church
outreach programme. You will be pleased
to know that we have currently raised over
We have started to think about how we
are going to proceed in our aim s to spread
God’s message out into the local
community and also reinvigorate our
To allow us to do this, we do need to have
a small group of people to formulate a
plan and also as many volunteers to help
us. This is going to be a major commitment
for the Church and it would be wonderful
if as many people as possible could be
If you are willing to help out in any small
way, would you kindly let either Rev
George Quarm or the stewards know.
Thank you
Family News