© Bexleyheath Methodist Church, allrights reserved 2020
Methodist Church Bexleyheath
About the Church
Methodist Bexleyheath Church was actually
opened on the 2nd June 1926 and has been
supported by generations of Christian people
who have given their time talents and money
expressing their faith and commitment. The
Church have been in the Bexley area since 1845
and the first established Methodist Church in
Bexleyheath was built in 1860 in North Street.
John Wesley (1771) and George Whitfield (1773)
preached in this district, the latter reported to
have preached to a crowd of 300 people at the
spot where Lion Road joins the Broadway, not
100 yards from our Church.
We would like to extend a warm welcome to all
visitors who is attending our service(s) or visiting
our website. If you wish to speak to our minister
Rev George K Quarm, call 02082987403 or email
him, we will be glad to hear from you, you can also
contact him for Prayer intercession. James 5: 13-
15..Is anyone among you afflicted?.. he should
pray..Is anyone among you sick?..he should call
in the Church elders, and they should pray over
him..the prayer of faith will save him...and thy
Lord will restore him...(Amp Bible).
Advent Sunday Message
from the Minister
Dear Friends,
Advent Sunday 2020
Today, 29 November 2020, is Advent
Sunday. Advent Sunday marks the
beginning of the Christian Liturgical
Calendar or the ecclesiastical year.
Giving thanks to God, we move on!
Advent Sunday is often misunderstood
as the beginning of the countdown for
Christmas Day. Christmas is certainly
important. Advent is however more
than Christmas. We understand
Advent as the Coming of the Lord.
Advent season is a time for preparing
ourselves for the Coming of the Lord.
The Coming of the Lord cannot be
simply limited to Christmas, however
significant Christmas may be.
One of the boldest Christian
affirmations from the very beginning
has been and continues to be "Come,
Lord Jesus!" This Christian affirmation
has been understood and interpreted
in two ways: first, as an affirmation,
confession and proclamation - The
Lord Jesus Christ Comes!; and second,
as a prayer - May the Lord Jesus Christ
Come! Let our lives bear testimony not
only to the affirmation, confession and
proclamation that the Lord Jesus has
come and comes but also to the prayer
for the Coming of the Lord Jesus
Christ! (1 Corinthians16:22; Revelation
Regular Bookers of Church Premises, To visit their website please click their symbols below.
The Revd. Dr. Chellaian Lawrence
Circuit Minister
Bexleyheath Methodist Church